YouTube Videos

Unit 3 Lesson 3.1 - Drawing Game Lab
Unit 3 Lesson 4 Shapes and Parameters
Unit 3 Lesson 5 Variables
Unit 3 Lesson 6 Random Numbers
Unit 3 Lesson 7 Mini-Project Robot Faces
Unit 3 Lesson 8 Sprites - Computer Science Discoveries 23/24

Unit 3 Game Design

Unit 3 Lesson 9 Sprite Properties
Unit 3 Lesson 10 Text
Unit 3 Lesson 11 Mini-Project(Captioned Scenes)
Unit 3 Lesson 12 Draw Loop
Unit 3 Lesson 13 Sprite Movement
Unit 3 Lesson 14 Mini-Project (Animation)
Unit 3 Lesson 15: Conditionals
Unit 3 Lesson 16: Keyboard Input
Unit 3 Lesson 18: Project (Interactive Card)
Unit 3 Lesson 17: Mouse Input
Scratch Tutorial: Movement Part 1
Scratch Tutorial: Events
Scratch Tutorial: Say/Think Blocks

Scratch Tutorials

Scratch Tutorial: Music Notes
Scratch Tutorial: Basic Loops
Scratch Tutorial: Glide & Goto Blocks
Scratch Tutorial: If Statements
Scratch Tutorial: Keyboard Game Movement
Scratch Tutorial: Backdrop/Stage
Scratch - What does Bounce do in Scratch?
Scratch Tutorial - Pen Tool
Scratch- Variable for Counting Laps (Race Game)
Scratch - Lets Learn To Count
Scratch Tutorial - Costumes and Characters
Scratch Tutorial - Sprite Size